When you select an Ingredient, Nationality, or Course from the pop-up menu that comes from clicking the Dictionary Button, you get a hierarchical menu that takes you through increasingly specific Categories down to a specific term, kind of like an interactive 20 Questions. This categorization is the basis of one of Mangia! 's most powerful searching capabilities. If you specify that you want an entree containing "fish," you don't just get recipes that happen to have the word "fish" in them somewhere: you get recipes with "sea bass" and "orange roughy" and "sole" and so on. Similarly, the Category "Mediterranean" covers "Moroccan," "Greek," "Sicilian," etc. In other words, when you select a Category, the selection stands for everything in that Category. This lets you cast your net as widely or narrowly as you like, depending on how detailed you make your selection. Categories are especially useful when combined with the Foods to Avoid option in the Full Recipe Finder to rule out whole Categories of ingredients—vegetarians can put "meat" into the Foods to Avoid to eliminate all carnivorous recipes at one stroke.